For a period of around 6 months or so I collected all our household and my studio paper rubbish. This was then categorised into seven piles. Envelopes, Paper Bags, Bills Invoices and Notifications, Receipts and Shopping Lists, Tissue, Testing Colour, Wrapping Paper. I then photographed each pile. Then each pile of paper was hand torn into pieces, before being soaked in water for 24 hours, and then pulped using a repurposed old saw blade and bit welded together to attach to my driver drill. The pulp was then added to further water, and sieved through a small homemade mesh frame in sections and layers onto a board until all used up. Air dried, and gently removed with a blade. The earlier photograph was used as a reference to paint from.
This series refers to the social anthropological value of garbology - the contents of what you discard as telling the story of that individuals life, at that time.
All work is watercolour on handmade recycled paper.